Learn How To Take Control Of Your Career, Your Hormones, And Your LIFE,
So You Can Feel Amazing And…
The Big Change?
The End of An Era?
Aunt Flo’s Final Voyage?
It doesn’t matter what you call it, almost all of us have the same reaction to learning you are getting there… Grief.
That’s because you probably believe menopause to be a time in your lives when you stop being the beautiful vibrant lady you were, and start to become a frumpy old woman.
The hot flashes start, the sex stops, you grow hair in new and odd places, and no matter how much you try, it’s like you’ll never, ever again lose those five pounds.
But worst of all… you lose your mind! You start forgetting things, you can’t process new information, and before too much longer, work overwhelms you.
It’s been well-documented that in the UK alone, 1 in 10 menopausal women end up leaving their jobs because they just can’t cope.
Menopause is clearly the beginning of the end for a woman, the start of a slow slide into obscurity and crone-hood. Right?
What if I told you that you don’t have to suffer through menopause? That you could take control of the hormone deficiencies and declines that cause all that discomfort – physical and mental – and actually ENJOY this new stage of your life?
You can, and I’m excited to share with you how to make it happen.
Hi, I’m Dr. Tayo, a physician and multiple board-certified radiologist; Best-Selling author together with Brian Tracy, and a Women’s Wellness Strategist.
I love to travel (46 countries and probably up to a thousand towns and cities so far) and I'm also a social impact entrepreneur.
I’ve worked with women from just about every walk of life to help them not only understand and work through this next adventure, but thrive and flourish in a way that they never thought was possible for them.
Now, I’d like to work with you to help you flourish as you begin, or continue to navigate this amazing new adventure we call menopause.
And believe me, if I can really enjoy this time of my life, you can too.
For me, perimenopause was like a bolt out of the blue. I suffered hot flushes & night sweats: tossing and turning all night… I was barely sleeping at all, and as a result, I was thoroughly exhausted.
I was unprepared for this stage of my life and knew I had to find a way out of this. My training in the Western Medical World had left me woefully unprepared for all the changes that were happening to me. I simply had no idea!
That's why I started searching for answers. REAL answers. I focused all of my remaining energies into this work, and let a lot of the rest of my life slide. I tried just about everything I could, to get some relief and to help me get through this time of my life. I started with the scanty conventional medical solutions that were suggested, but they fell woefully short. It wasn’t until I started pursuing other ‘out of the box’ ideas that I discovered an approach that made a real difference.
With this approach I’ve learned not only about my hormones and the causes of severe menopausal symptoms, but how to effectively treat and – in some cases – even prevent them. Seeing the approach work so well was very rewarding, not just for me, but for my friends and clients as what I did spread.
Over the years I’ve distilled this approach into a framework that now comprises my full regimen. I’m not taking hormone replacement (HRT), and I’m in better health than I've ever been, I sometimes pinch myself.
I’m passionate about teaching this approach to women who have had enough of the physical, emotional, mental, and sexual side-effects of menopause.
Menopause CAN be managed without having to choose between your career and your health. You CAN feel vibrant and alive through this stage of life. You CAN Get Your Sassy Back.
Here’s what I know, especially with what has happened in the world recently. Live presentations can only reach a fraction of the women who need and want a solution. Which is why I’m now offering this very special opportunity, exclusively online.
A LIVE online program designed to help you understand and successfuly manage your menopausal journey, so you can finally get back to feeling like the vibrant woman you really are
I want to show you how to inspire your audience to jump out of their seat, reach their back pockets to take out their credit cards, and invest in what you have to offer… because the same principles apply both online and offline.
In this program, you'll know how to look and feel amazing and achieve ultimate health and reversed ageing. You can look forward to a vibrant, fulfilled and impactful life. You no longer need to feel like you are on the fringes of your own life.
Here's what you can look forward to:
Your Mental SuperPower
You’ll dive into what menopause really is, how it affects you, and how which mindset and habit changes can help you get through it. Brain fog will become a thing of the past. as you start flexing your mental SuperPower.
Your Sleep SuperPower
One of the most distressing and constant issues with menopause is poor sleep. You’ll find out why Sleep is THE Foundational Superpower. You’ll be able to harness it, sleep soundly, wake up refreshed, ready to rock your day.
Your Nutrition SuperPower
It’s almost universal! You hit your forties, and even though nothing else changes, your body starts holding on to everything you eat and drink. You’ll know the very important adaptations you MUST do for your continued wellness. Hint: This will flip the ageing switch.
Implementation Week
You’ll have a breather here. Information is great, but it takes action to make a difference. This week is all about implementation.
Your Movement SuperPower
It’s not always about going to the gym and conventional exercise and brutal regimes can actually do you more harm than good. One important ‘secret’ will set you on the right path. You can take baby steps which will make a big impact on your body going forward.
Your Tranquility SuperPower
Willpower can be exhausting. You’ll know how to be smarter about how you deal with your time and energy to be more productive - and it’s not what you think! You’ll soon be taking the easy way to be (almost) as calm as a Zen monk.
Bonus: Putting It All Together
I'm gifting you this valuable session because I know how it can turbo-charge what you have already done. This is where you can put together all the elements from your own 5 SuperPowers to come up with an age-defying plan that you use throughout your life.
Do you know what gives you the best bang for your buck? You’ll find out in this valuable add-on-session, completely free! It will be smart, efficient and effective. You’ll be amazed at how simple and doable it is.
Right now, the only other way to learn about The 5 SuperPowers Framework is in 30-minute 1:1 coaching sessions with Dr. Tayo. And at $500USD per session to secure 6 hours would end up costing you $12,000USD.
I want to make this more affordable.
This is the same material as I offer individually, but because I’m teaching virtually, and because I can teach so many women at the same time, I’m able to offer it at a HUGE discount.
I’m also offering a payment plan option.
Or three monthly payments of
$747 USD
When you order Get Your Sassy Back and become a student now you’ll get access to:
BONUS: Putting It All Together - In this extra 2-hour post-program session, you’ll be creating your very own custom integrated plan that incorporates the SuperPowers into your daily life and have a Wellness Strategy for you for life. You can swap things in and out as you need to. This is where your plan will deliver the best bang for your buck - Completely FREE!
'Putting It All Together' Bonus Module
Custom Sleep Binaural Beats (60 mins)
Sleep Quiz with email feedback
Custom Focus Binaural Beats (30 mins)
Custom Morning Meditation Binaural Beats (60 mins)
My Personal Grocery Shopping List
My Personal Fridge Items
My Personal Pantry List
Delicious Meals (Prep & Cooking Hacks + Ideas)
Enjoy Eating With Less Sugar - In Just 7 Days!
My Resource List
That priceless list full of gems ALONE is worth more than you're paying for the program.
I can still recall how it all began…
In March 2012, I received a life changing phone call from Success Resources. They were the largest seminar company in the world.
For many years I have been marketing online and I thought doing a presentation was pretty much the same thing.
I thought to myself "As long as I provide great content and value, the audience will be able to make that informed decision and invest in what it is that I have to offer."
Pretty straightforward, right?
When it was time to make the offer, and I asked them to go to the back tables to invest, nobody moved.
It was in this huge expo hall with 900 people and back then things were very different. There was no music, nothing.
I had to walk to the back of the room and it was like the walk of shame. That walk felt like it took forever.
The funny thing was... I had so many people coming up to me after, telling me how great the content was and how inspired they were but nobody bought anything!
That was when I realized that speaking and selling are 2 completely different skills.
As I continued the journey of practicing and learning from the best of the best, I got better.
From totally sucking initially, I sucked less and less. And eventually, I realized hey... I'm pretty good at this!
If you've ever wanted to discover how to present in a way that's unforgettable, have your audience hanging on your every word, and have them invest in whatever it is that you have to offer at the end, then this LIVE event is for you.
This event will reveal the same strategies that have generated me well over $25MM++ through sales videos, webinars, and live events... and how you can do it too.
But, because I’m able to speak to 100 people…
Or 1,000 people…
Or 10,000 people all at once online, with ONE presentation…
And, because I know how to craft and structure my presentation…
When you’re in a room (or virtual room) you can’t really ask questions and get answers from THOUSANDS of people…
... so you need to create your presentation in a way that resolves all of their objections for as many people as possible.
How would you like me to show you EVERYTHING you need to do to create your very own presentation that creates a table rush in YOUR business, plus give you ALL the tools you need (already done)… without paying me $50,000 to walk you through everything?
But Don’t Just Take My Word For It… HERE’S WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY
“That’s Why We Created Table Rush Secrets LIVE”!
These Are The Simple “TABLE RUSH SECRETS” I Use In My Presentations to GENERATE MORE SALES IN 90 MINUTES Than What Some CEOs Make In a Year…
“But Peng Joon, I Don’t Speak On Stage… What Does All Of This Has To Do With ME!?”
While it's true that the reality is that most people will never speak in these large stages, the same techniques when it comes to influence, sales, persuasion, and closing still applies whether you want to do it on…
WE HAVE CLIENTS IN EVERY MARKET AND NICHE who are using this SAME framework in their own businesses!
"Working with Dr. Tayo was extremely helpful. She did an excellent job asking questions so she could address my specific challenges. She was genuinely interested in my well being and gave me hope that I could have a positive peri menopause experience.I started implementing her suggestions and I am already seeing positive results in my energy level and overall mood.
Thank you Dr. Tayo for your enthusiastic and supportive guidance."
- Anna Pantano
"I have gained a lot of clarity on what it is that I want and I think one of biggest helpers for me was seeing where my blockages are."
- Tricia
"That made me sleep so nice!"
- Anya Matrosova
"It was the first time I felt it was something for me... Specifically for me that I could do."
- Serena Davies
think about it...
Every single day, you’re on some sort of a platform... right?
Sometimes that platform is negotiating with someone in a meeting…
This script I’m going to teach you WORKS IN ANY BUSINESS...
This process works over and over and over again,
… Even if nobody knows who you are right now!
“But Peng Joon… I DON’T LIKE TO SPEAK OR SELL. I Don’t Want To Be On Webinars Or Facebook Lives…
When I first started my business, I never wanted to be doing “this”. This being on stages, on webinars or to be in the limelight.
I just wanted to be behind the scenes and working on my business.
I was that shy, introverted, awkward kid….
I didn’t want to speak!
This was during a time when I was anonymous online, just marketing products in the gaming market.
But what happened at the end changed my perspective on how marketing can and should work.
At the end of his presentation, I still remember what happened...
He asked the audience if he could make a special offer.
After everyone agreed, he made a special offer for his $15,000 offer.
And what happened next changed my life.
Now, if you made the full investment for this offer, you get to go on stage to take this group picture with Tony.
I Realized That He Made Over $585,000 IN THAT 90 MINUTES…
When everything was said and done, there was probably over $1,000,000 in sales generated…
I asked myself, how many ways can an entrepreneur make over $1MM in 90 minutes?
You could…
List a company
Win the lottery
Rob a bank?!?
… or learn this skill set!
On top of all of the sales generated, Tony had the lives of thousands changed and transformed that day.
That was when I knew I HAD to learn this skill.
I didn’t really want to be a stage presenter…
...then I NEEDED to learn that skill,
But what if this one skill could help make an extra $100,000 per year?
What would it be worth to learn THAT skill…?
Here’s what others are saying about my IMMERSION TRAININGS
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! This information isn’t just reactive, it’s proactive and in some cases even preventative. Understanding this information before you need it can be your best bet for wasting as little time as possible in pain and grief.
The are 6 sessions which are 1 1/2 to 2 hours each. The main training is 45 - 60 mins and we spend the rest of the time on Q/A.
Classes are held Live on Zoom. We have a geographically varied audience and are doing our best to see that you get the best experience possible. You’ll receive emails ahead of and following each session so you can make sure you don’t miss anything.
At my current rates, if you were to secure 12 hours of 1:1 sessions, it would end up costing you $12,000USD.
Because I wanted to make this more affordable and available to you, I’ve created this program. It is the same material as I offer individually, but because I’m teaching it virtually, and because I can teach so many Sassy ladies at the same time, I’m offering it for only $1,997USD paid in full, or three monthly payments of $747USD.
However, I don’t know if I will be able to offer this at the same price point in the future.
I get it! I work with smart, busy women like you all the time. That’s why every session will be recorded in multiple media.
Even if you miss a live lesson, you’ll be able to catch up with video recordings, MP3s, and transcripts of each session. These recordings and transcripts are usually available within a few days of the live module.
“BUT WHAT IF I’M NOT A SPEAKER? What if I’ve never made a single speech ever ?”
“BUT WHAT IF I’M NOT A SPEAKER? What if I’ve never made a single speech ever ?”
“So I don’t have to speak on STAGE?”
“So I don’t have to speak on STAGE?”
“Can I really make good money as a NEW speaker, even if I’m not famous, and nobody knows me?”
“Can I really make good money as a NEW speaker, even if I’m not famous, and nobody knows me?”
Yes! Once you are registered for the Get Your Sassy Back program, you’re automatically entitled to have a Success Guarantee.
If you get to the end of Week 4 of the program (and you have implemented all the Action Steps) and are not more than pleased with your progresss, you can email me at “DrTayo@GetYourSassyBack.com” and we will work together to find a solution that works for you. I am committed to your success.
Have other questions? Contact support directly at SUPPORT@SMOBBLE.COM.
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